It's a big world out there, and life is full of rich stories just waiting to be told, read, and enjoyed by all who love reading stories. torus proxy aims to be a nexus between these stories and the eyes of all who wander here. And so, dear reader, we are opening the gates for guest contributions. We are looking for stories in search of a world to inhabit, tales in which the secrets of life can be told. If you have a short story, poem, or snippit that resonates with the fantastic, the strange, the mystical, or the quietly profound, we want to read it.
What we're looking for:
- poetry, short stories, timeless tales
- themes should be fantasy, surrealism, mythical, or philosophical fiction
- works exploring everyday heroism, subjective truth, and unseen wisdom
- anything that matches the perpetual model of torus proxy
What to avoid:
- graphic, grotesque violence, and sexual content (let's keep it E for everyone, please)
- anything that can be construed as bullying or hate speech.
- furthermore, it is requested that we all just be grand to one another, seriously, none of that ugly nonsense is welcome here
- AI generated works... yes, I know the images here are obviously generated (we don't have a graphic artist yet), but none of the writing here is AI generated. We want what comes from your divine human imagination.
Submission Guidelines:
- up to 3,000 words max please
- google doc, word doc, or plain text
- include a short author bio
- Optional: website or social media links
What you keep:
All authors retain full copyright of their work, we only ask for non-exclusive digital publishing rights, meaning you're
free publish your piece elsewhere. We strive to be author friendly and art conscious.
Submissions may receive light editing, for grammar and formatting. No significant changes will be made by us.
Payment and Promotion:
We cannot offer payment, should your piece be accepted, but we do offer platform and exposure to those eyes that read here.
How to Submit:
Please email your submissions to:
Please allow 2-4 weeks response time. We do a lot of reading ourselves.
We thank you and look forward to reading your art!